A Family Finds A Tiny Baby Mouse, She Was Put Immediately In An Incubator But Now Is Healthy And Has An Adoptive Mama
A family noticed a tiny baby mouse on day. Baby might have been only a day old. Tiny mouse’s mom was nowhere so family decided to contact the RSPCA.
Little mouse was put immediately in an incubator. She was so little and now is fed with goat’s milk.
Now baby’s name is Penny.
“It was really her only chance of survival,” Trish Storey of Pawz for Thought told The Dodo. “I took Penny and wrapped her in some of the nest material from the litter and then took four of the babies and placed them in the bedding with her. I put them in the nest material back into the cage, and the mother came immediately to inspect. One by one, she took her own babies back to the nest and finally took Penny.”
But finally mama appeared and accepted her baby.
“We did not disturb her at all for over a week, but when we looked in, we could see Penny among the other babies,” Storey said. “Much smaller but doing well. The risk had been that the mother might reject her or that she would be pushed out by the older babies, but that had not happened.”
Now Penny is feeling better and is healthier than ever.
She found an adoptive mother and she is giving Penny so much love, attention and care.