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This Faithful Dog Has Been Waiting For His Family On The Train Tracks For About 10 Years

Every day at eleven o’clock in the morning, “Mono” is situated in front of a railway booth in the northern part of Bogotá, Colombia. There, the dog waits for his family while receiving food and attention from a woman by the name of Isabel Pardo. The train house personnel are visited by Monkey after a time, and he then settles down on the grass as though he were weighing something.

“Perhaps he considers the reunification of his estranged family. He may constantly remain in this zone for that reason.

“Since I’ve lived in this neighborhood for seven years, the longest-suffering residents have informed us that this dog was abandoned by a couple following the birth of a child in their family.

The reality is that everyone in the industry adores Mono, and many liken his tale to that of Hachiko, the dog from the heartwarming film “Always by your side.”

But do you know what’s depressing? That Mono has always been abandoned without end. He was almost adopted and taken care of by a worker while the 151st Street Homecenter was being constructed. But as soon as the building was done, they gave it up once more.

Due to his ancient age, his tendency to walk slowly, and the possibility of getting run over, it is quite concerning that Mono is exposed to several illnesses and viruses on the street.

I moved to the area a little more than two years ago. Since that time, Mrs. Isabel and I have taken up the duty of feeding and caring for him. She provides him with breakfast, and I provide him with lunch. When Monito required veterinarian care, we also paid for it.

This woman claimed that when she first moved into the area, the dog was infected and parasitized; thankfully, he was cured by a veterinarian and even sterilized. Another time, Monkey got into a battle with a Rottweiler and came dangerously close to losing an ear.

Caroline declares

“An ethologist’s investigation came to the conclusion that Mono cannot live in the same area as other dogs since it can be hostile at times. He is nice with people, but the ethologist advised against adopting him because he has been living on the streets for ten years.

Veterinarian Alejandro Garca of the Rómulo Gallegos National Experimental University argues as follows:

“This dog will probably flee if it is adopted or given to a foundation. A dog that has lived on the streets for a long time is not connected to the wonderful care that its owner can provide it, but rather to being free and unrestrained on the streets.

These dogs are frequently wary, making it challenging for them to adjust. However, it is still conceivable; you may try to locate someone to look after him while you watch his behavior.

Some residents of the area claim that the dog has been violently toward his dogs, and they had the awful notion of tying him to the railway house, but many who know him have refused to do so.