Extremely Poor Boy Walked 2 Miles To Get Help For His Sick Dog
Nanuk, a parvovirus-infected dog, was discovered alive today because of the devotion of a 13-year-old kid who lives in the Delft neighborhood of Cape Town, South Africa. The young child journeyed two kilometers to get assistance for Nanuk, and he was fortunate to find it.
In Delf, the majority of residents live in modest homes with few public amenities, in violent neighborhoods, and on occasion, they are unable to afford food or veterinary treatment for themselves and their animals.
The group is in charge of castrating and sterilizing animals every other Sunday in addition to offering fundamental veterinary assistance, food, and care.
Since he lived two miles away and Dinielle Stöckigt was informed of the dog’s plight—she was not eating or drinking and had bloody diarrhea—the organization agreed to take care of Nanuk.
As she described to The Dodo:
“She was quite underweight, and the boy admitted to us that he lacked the funds to provide her with food. We assured her that we would make every effort to preserve her life and provide a new, devoted home for her. We expressed our gratitude to her for bringing the woman to us.”
Dr. Rozanne Visser, one of the Tin Can Town volunteers, advised that the dog be treated at the Sunset Beach Veterinary Clinic, where she and her sister Rosie also work.