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Bunny Is Abandoned At The Shelter For Being “Too Affectionate”

In December 2017, shelter worker Ryann Sadler saw two young bunnies at the SPCA of Texas and hurried to see them. She was horrified to see the newcomers’ situation; they were very little and had quite long fingernails. To her astonishment, the small male rabbit started giving her a full body kiss when Ryann took him into her hands to start trimming his nails.

Despite having a kisser at home, she had no notion that bunnies like giving kisses until she was the recipient of one.

“He began licking my hands while I was holding him. That has never happened to Pepper, my bunny. We were astounded by how kind and hospitable he was.”

Ryan Sadler

The woman fell in love with the compassionate rabbit right away, and after learning the reason he had been left behind, she decided it was her responsibility to bring him home.

Said Ryann:

“The owner complained that Peter “required too much attention” and was “too loving.” The softest rabbit ever, he was. He found it incomprehensible that anyone would leave him!

Ryan Sadler

Ryann and Peter made the decision to be together even though Ryann’s family wasn’t seeking to adopt another rabbit. Peter had a lot of love to give even though he was only 5 months old.

Although there are many unanswered questions regarding Peter’s history, it was obvious that all he wanted was for someone to share his caring demeanor.

Ryan Sadler

He loves to be held and sits on my chest while licking my face. He is very sweet. It’s the world’s nicest thing.

Fortunately, shortly after Peter arrived at the shelter, the rabbit also quickly found a permanent home.

While some rabbits may choose to groom humans, most rabbits prefer to groom other bunnies with whom they like spending time. Naturally, it’s one of Peter’s favorite activities.

Peter enjoys jumping and running around the home in addition to kissing people. He occasionally bounces up and down to enjoy the visits and the family’s Yorkshire terrier, according to Ryann.

Ryan Sadler

The rabbit enjoys playing ball and tossing his toys.

Peter is a bright spot for the family, posting pictures of him and his younger sister Pepper on Instagram.

Ryan Sadler