Rescued Dog Who Lost Her Puppies Adopts Three Orphaned Kittens
In Rocky Point, a dog they named “Georgia” was discovered residing at a petrol station. She was discovered and sent to the shelter by the Sunshine Dog Rescue crew from Phoenix.
They discovered Georgia was expecting, but regrettably, none of the puppies made it. They were all born too soon, according to ABC Arizona.
After losing all of her puppies, Georgia was distraught and depressed, according to Anita Osa, founder of Sunshine Dog Rescue.
Says Anita
“I’ve never witnessed a mother lose a whole litter. She was frenzied, which was the best way to sum it up. She was searching for those infants because she was so heartbroken. In an effort to locate her young, she tore up the toddler mattress we had for her.”
Anita posted a need for assistance on social media, asking for any animals in need of a nursing mother, in the hopes that Georgia would start her recovery process both physically and mentally.
They came upon three newborn kittens that had been abandoned and desperately needed a mother to raise them.
Anita was first unsure if a dog would accept babies, so she was taken aback to witness the strong attachment that quickly developed between Georgia and her three foster kittens.
Says Anita
“I kindly welcomed them. She brought the others after I first took one and let her sniff it. She appeared to accept it. Amazingly, she managed to control her anxiety right away. I believe Georgia’s kitties are unaware that she is a dog.
Added Anita:
She gives them breast milk. Although she does everything to clean them up, the link is deep. She looks after the kittens as if they were her own infants, which is absolutely amazing to behold.