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Farming Family Saves A Cow That Looks Like A Puppy From The Slaughterhouse

Delbur is a sweet two-and-a-half-year-old Jersey steer that was rescued by a Michigan farming family. Due to a meat scarcity during the epidemic, the family first acquired the animal to be transformed into food. by Covid 19.

Delbur’s adoptive mother, Shiane, told Metro UK:

“We wanted to become a cattle farmer during Covid, so we purchased Delbur… Although the Delbur breed is not intended for beef production, it was difficult to acquire beef cows at the time, so I bought any kind I could. We instantly grasped what was going on. He was as cute as a dog.”


The lady recalls,

“I mooed while on the porch… He started running and leaping when we went down to see him; the older he got, the more he bucked and leaped. “What’s his problem?” we wondered.

According to Shiane, this kind of cow is known for being friendlier than others, but he’s never seen one with Delbur’s demeanor. On the property, the family has also taken in several dogs, cats, turkeys, ducks, and horses.


Shiane’s choice was met with skepticism by the rest of the family. Her sister-in-law even inquired if she was serious about doing it, according to the woman.

Shiane explains:

“‘You’re not going to kill him,’ my sister-in-law said, trying to seem tough by stating, ‘I got it for meat, I’m going to do it.’ Farmers do just that. My mascara was pouring down my face the day I went to the butcher. She was in tears “.


The woman’s husband saw her distress and even inquired whether she was sure what she was doing, but she insisted on sticking to her choice.

The lady recalls,

“I had it put on the trailer, and Delbur simply stepped in and said, ‘Oh hello, where are we going?'”


Shiane advised her husband that when they came, they should speak with the management because it was their first time and they had no idea how to handle the cow situation. When the butcher saw Delbur, he questioned whether he was worried by the other cattle because he was still so little.

Shiane continued:

He’s too pleasant to say, ‘That’s precisely his issue.’ Delbur would be picked on and forced to stand in the corner away from the food when the horses and the other cow wanted to eat. But if you separate them so that he may have his own meal from him, he will be lonely: he will weep, and the entire neighborhood will listen to him».


Shiane thought her husband had unloaded the cows and waited inside the vehicle before returning home after a brief talk; nevertheless, he asks her to get out of the car and check if the trailer door is properly closed a short time later.

The lady stated:

“‘Are you serious?’ I asked. My feet are going to become dirty because I’m wearing Crocs. But he instructs me to hurry up and do it right now, so I go outside and Delbur exclaims, “MOO!” Then I start weeping all over again.”

Her husband informed her that he had spoken with the butcher and that, because Delbur was still so little, he would take him home to fatten him up before returning.

Shiane explained:

No, this was supposed to happen. She will accompany me home and will not return to the butcher ».