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Pelican Couple Who Waited 6 Years For Babies Is So Excited An Egg Finally Hatched

Mr. Percival and his girlfriend have been nesting and caring for their eggs at Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue in Australia for the past six years. Mr. Percival waited on his eggs for a month, spending the incubation phase with his spouse in the hopes of a baby. None of his eggs, however, hatched.

All of that changed in September, when Mr. Percival’s caretakers placed a fellow pelican’s egg in his nest.

Twinnies commented on Facebook, “Mr. Percival has never given up trying to have a baby pelican chick.” “We felt bad for him since it’s so heartbreaking when he sees other people witnessing newborn pelicans.” So we created this wonderful thing for him because we really wanted to make him happy this time.”

Pelicans in Australia breed in colonies, laying one to three eggs each year on average. Their chicks are born blind and naked, relying solely on their parents for nourishment and warmth.

Mr. Percival’s caretakers could see how happy he was to be a new father when his adopted egg eventually hatched. Twinnies commented on Facebook, “Mr. Percival was proud as punch.” “He made us cry,” says the narrator. He and his girlfriend are smitten with their newborn pelican baby, as you can see.”

Mr. Percival has proved himself to be a dedicated father in the weeks following his baby’s birth, dividing feeding and nesting tasks with his spouse.

“We are really pleased of him,” Twinnies posted on Facebook, “as we can see the newborn pelican chick is developing nicely.” “Mr. Percival goes for a swim and catches several little fish, which he subsequently feeds to his child.”

Mr. Percival has a particular relationship with his caretakers, who have looked after him for the last 18 years.

The juvenile pelican was discovered on Chambers Island near Maroochydore, Queensland. He’d get caught up in fishing lines and hooks all the time and needed assistance. They continued to assist him in the wild until Mr. Percival’s caretakers asked for a special permit to bring him to the sanctuary after he lost a wing due to a serious injury.