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He Discovers His Parakeet Playing “Peek-A-Boo” With A Neighbor Cat And Does Not Hesitate To Take Out The Camera

Friendship between a cat and a little bird is nearly impossible for many people. A cute cat in New Zealand, on the other hand, has three gorgeous, friendly-looking parakeets as neighbors. At first look, it appears to be a calamity waiting to happen; nevertheless, we must keep in mind that the birds are constantly inside the home, safe and secure from any surprise attack by the kitten.


Since the owner of the birds shared a video to Instagram, these adorable little pals have become famous. In the photos, we can see George and Oscar, the cute parakeet, having an odd dialogue in which their collusion is obvious.


This kind of bird is known for being chatty, and its little brain can hold a large vocabulary. They can mix a broad variety of syllables, and because of their beauty and intelligence, they were long regarded sacred in India as companion birds.


Oscar isn’t just saying anything; he’s genuinely interacting with his feline buddy. The parakeet, which is sheltered by the window in his house, descends gently and hides; on the other hand, the cat is oblivious to it.


George stares in awe at the bird that has escaped his grasp. The owner of the bird said that they generally play the game with her daughter in a high chair.


Its owner admits that he enjoys watching his parakeet interact with the cat in such a playful manner. The sequence is reminiscent of the Warner Bros. cartoon series Loonet Tunes.


After seeing the similarity, everyone on the internet can’t stop talking about how special this connection between these two young creatures is. Oscar and George have never had more than a visit separated by a huge glass, and it is a mystery for everyone to know what would happen if they met in the garden one day.