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They Tecord A Bear “Deciding What To Buy” In A Supermarket To The Horror Of Customers

When we go grocery shopping, we never expect to be shocked by a certain customer that may easily scare us till we leave the place.

This is what happened when a Safeway in Lake Tahoe was suddenly invaded by hungry bears lured by the smell of easy food several times over the course of two weeks.

Although these animals do not hesitate to break into a house or a car in order to find what they want, if they discover a more convenient method to enter, they may choose that alternative, which includes using an automated sliding door.

The black bears of Lake Tahoe, California, found this convenience to access the premises and have not hesitated to go through the “huge door” to stock up on the same food that humans buy before the temperatures increase significantly.

Adina pulled out her phone to take a picture of her new shopping buddy.

In the video, Adina comments, “It seems like a bear has chosen to go shopping.”

The bear stopped by the entryway after exiting the store to savour his stolen food.

A few days later, another bear was spotted wandering along the vegetable aisle near the avocados before fleeing with a plastic yogurt container.

Lake Tahoe is home to more than 35,000 black bears, and confrontations with humans are regular, which is why authorities advise residents not to toss food or anything else that may attract bears.

Bears searching for human food have not forgotten how to feed organically, according to the National Park Service website.

“Human food just contains significantly more energy, fat, and calories than bears’ natural diet,” the Bear Services website explains, “so they can spend much less time foraging and gain weight when they eat this sort of food.” The park is a national park.

A healthy diet is not a priority for these magnificent creatures, and gaining a few pounds before winter is not an issue for them.