Daily Animal news

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Fox And Kitty Suddenly Become Friends, Their New Friendship Is So Adorable!

A woman named Jennifer Rutter saw something unexpected one day through the window. There was a fox.

Can you believe that?

“I see that fox nearly every day, and she’s a favorite on our street,” Rutter told The Dodo. “The kids watch out for her from their bedroom windows.”

Fox looked so gentle and lovely at the same time.

“[She steps] off the pavement to let people pass, and, apart from the debris she leaves in my garden, she’s very welcome!”

Finally, fox met Rutter’s kitten and they become friends immediately.

“Dodo was on my knee, and I pointed the fox out to her,” Rutter said. “She jumped up to the window and caught the fox’s attention, and then I started to film. I’ve never seen them interact before, and it was so moving to see them mirroring each other.”

Their pictures are so adorable. Just look at them…