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As A Loving Mother, A Dog Adopts Many Possums That Need Help 

Pets are undeniably the most fantastic friends we can have, since they bring nothing but joy and love into our lives.

Dogs, in particular, have the ability to utterly steal our hearts with their reactions, gazes, real and honest love gestures, and everlasting faithfulness.

Not only have they demonstrated what they are capable of for their owners, but they have also demonstrated that their hearts are so noble and enormous that when they realize that other animals, even of a completely different species than their own, require assistance, they do not hesitate to lavish themselves with love and care; it is something that comes naturally to them.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado

The tale we have for you today isn’t very unique, but I guarantee it will move you to tears…

It tells the story of Pretinha, a dog that raised orphaned young possums as her own.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado

Stephanie Maldonado, his human mother, resides in Brazil. And, thankfully, she was the one who discovered the vulnerable young sisters who had lost their mother, and she, who is a rescuer of every little animal she encounters, did not hesitate to take them home.

Unfortunately, the mother possum had been mauled by another dog, and the fate of the young animals was unknown because their eyes had not yet opened.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado

Stephanie, on the other hand, was motivated to help them, not anticipating the substitute madrassa she would discover in her own house.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado

The young woman wanted to take them to a wildlife rehabilitation center, but they were told there was no room.

The small ones required to be fed every two hours, and she wondered that they would be able to survive solely on her care.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado

But there is nothing that the heart of a compassionate furry can accomplish, and that’s what Pretinha was for.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado

The dog felt compelled to adopt the kids as her own without being told otherwise, and the infants and the new surrogate mother had a nearly symbiotic connection from then on.

The dog carries them about on her back like a mother possum, and the infants refuse to let her go.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado

Look at the cute rides they take on their surrogate mother’s back!

Stephanie commented, “It’s lovely all the care he takes with them, licking them all the time and snuggling with them.”

Despite the fact that Pretinha is sterilized and does not make milk, she provides them with all of the affection they require.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado

The little ones grew up healthy and strong, thanks to the care of Stephanie, but especially Pretinha.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado

Y Stephanie sólo esperaba poder devolverlas a la naturaleza, ya que es donde pertenecen.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado

That time had finally arrived… The children will never forget the surrogate mother’s legacy of love and self-denial, which they were fortunate to have at a time when they most needed it. It didn’t matter that they weren’t of the same species.

The dog treated the possums as if they were his own children.

Credit: Stephanie Maldonado