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Mom Captures a Cute Dog Assisting Her Daughter With Laundry

When you have a good friend to help you with your duties, they become less of a chore.

Just ask Taysa and her loyal canine companion, Lassye.



Taysa’s mother, Rhany Christo, recently requested her daughter to bring in some floor mats that had been washed and dried outside. Taysa would typically have to carry the mats inside one by one since stacking them on the ground would just make them dirty again.

They found a better way with the help of her dog.

“I saw Lassye holding the mats [on her back] as I looked outside,” Christo told The Dodo. “I was taken aback!”

Here’s how the smart duo works:

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Paçoca, the family’s second dog, kept an eye on Taysa and Lassye while they worked on the laundry. It was truly a team effort.

Taysa’s pups, on the other hand, are more than simply helpers.

“They’re wonderful company,” Christo added. “They are loved by my daughter.”